Connecting Government, Enterprise & Retail to Onboard the Next 100M Users

Retail adoption is stagnant. Mandala Chain bridges the gap between Emerging and Global Blockchain Markets for the next wave of blockchain adoption.

The Key to Mass Adoption

Web3 adoption has reached a plateau, and there is an urgent need to onboard more users to drive its evolution, growth, and broader application. Emerging markets hold the potential to bring the next 100 million users into the Web3 ecosystem, but achieving this requires addressing real-world problems with tangible, effective solutions. 

Challenges in Emerging Markets


Data leaks, centralized storage vulnerabilities, interoperability issues, and inefficiencies in accessing services hinder digital growth.

Opportunities in Indonesia


Data leaks, centralized storage vulnerabilities, interoperability issues, and inefficiencies in accessing services hinder digital growth.


Deploy Infrastructure that Onboards the Next 100m+ Users

Mandala Chain addresses these challenges by connecting government and enterprise solutions to public and retail users, starting with Indonesia. Leveraging strong local relationships and expertise, Mandala Chain aims to create a secure digital identity infrastructure and build scalable solutions for various sectors. 


Leveraging the .id domain to create decentralized identity infrastructure that address data leaks, centralized storage vulnerabilities, interoperability issues and inefficiencies in accessing services.

Sector Partnerships

Agreements in banking, finance, insurance, healthcare, education, logistics, IP protection, and smart city infrastructure that provides infrastructure to bring the world on-chain.

Scalable Model

Using Indonesia as a starting point and sandbox, we aim to copy-paste-deploy proven solutions globally, driving Web3 adoption and onboarding.

Asia's Sleeping Giant

Why Indonesia?

Indonesia, with its massive and young population, is on the brink of a digital revolution. The country’s Digital Indonesia Vision 2045 initiative highlights its commitment to integrating advanced technologies like blockchain to drive economic growth and digital inclusion.

As the 4th largest population globally, Indonesia offers a significant market opportunity, with over 200 million internet users and a rapidly growing tech-savvy demographic.

This makes Indonesia the perfect starting point for Mandala Chain to implement its innovative blockchain solutions, addressing critical issues in data sovereignty, digital identity, and more.

Use Cases to Define our Digital Future

Digital Identity

Empowering citizens with secure, verifiable, and decentralized digital identities that streamline access to government services and protect personal data.

Finance & Banking

Partnering with banking co-ops specializing in microfinance to provide transparent, efficient, and inclusive financial solutions for underserved communities.

Medical Data Management

Enhancing healthcare through secure, interoperable medical data management, ensuring patient privacy and seamless access for providers.

Insurance & Accreditation

Working with multiple providers to enable insurance and accreditation processes with immutable records and automated verification, reducing fraud and improving trust.

Asset Tokenization

Starting with gold, precious metals, and real estate to unlock liquidity and accessibility for real-world assets through tokenization, enabling fractional ownership and seamless transfers.

Logistics & Supply Chain

Creating infrastructure to optimize logistics and supply chains with transparent, tamper-proof tracking systems, ensuring efficiency and authenticity.


Working with government to combat corruption with transparent, auditable blockchain records, fostering trust and accountability in operational processes.

Smart Cities

Building the cities of tomorrow with integrated blockchain solutions that enhance efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life for residents.


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